

Shell-Lyn Clarke
Development Director
As a former Hospice, Mental Health and Drug and Addiction Nurse, Our Founder and Lead Outreach Developer Shell-Lyn Clarke has always been dedicated to bringing about the very best in everyone who crosses her path. Fast Forward 10 years later and it’s that same enthusiasm of helping others reach their highest level of potential that she continues to strive for. In addition to her care and compassion for mankind, she also brings to GGF a love that says, “everyone is capable of helping, and everyone has something to give.” As well as a compassion to seeing others gain a new-found confidence and a lasting hope. Mrs. Clarke is a doer, a woman full of action. You will often hear her quoting one of her principle quotes for giving back which states, “It’s not enough to say that “We want to change the world and make an impact; it only becomes a greater love for mankind once action is truly put into practice!” When asked What will they say about you? What legacy are you leaving behind? Mrs. Clarke merely tosses her head back, gives a ginormous smile and says, “Well people may say a lot of things, but one thing that I know for sure that they’ll say is, she was a woman who knew the Lord. I want people to look at me and know that all things are possible to them that believe; my legacy is simple, don’t leave earth without establishing one!” She then smiles and continues. “If God has given us all a gift, be sure to search yourself until you find what that gift is; reproduce that gift on the largest scale as possible and you will without a shadow of a doubt, leave a legacy. For the bible tells us in proverbs 13:22 “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children…” “There’s a quote that I read in a book once, a quote from Myles Monroe, he says, “The wealthiest place in the world is not the gold mines of South America or the oil fields of Iraq or Iran. They are not the diamond mines of South Africa or the banks of the world. The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road. It is the cemetery. There lie buried companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, bestselling books that were never written, and masterpieces that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential.” “I remember when I first read this quote, it shook me instantaneously, I didn’t want to die with my treasure, or shortchange myself or others in this life, by not having tapped into my own potential.” It took some time, a lot of trust in God and patience; But here I stand, a woman having searched herself, found her gift and scaling it up, big TIME!” “Yeah, I like that!”

Sarah Jones
Board member
As one of the directors here at GGF; it warms my heart to be able to be connected with an organization that is grounded and routed to seeing the success of the community. I have spent many years of my life giving back through my career in childcare and now recently the last ten years as a nursing aid and my later end with the Veterans Affairs of Martinsburg WV. Nothing in life is better than giving, that’s literally what I do now, if my client can’t use their arms to take care of their daily needs, I give them mine. I am that loving extension. I love and enjoy people and they tend to love and enjoy me back! It's that connection of love for people that's going to raise the skies for us here at GGF. again, I am thankful, honored, and proud and count it joy to be called among the working winning team.

Sarah F. Jones
Executive Secretary
As a secretary here at GGF, having worked with the public for many years at Jefferson Memorial Hospital and raising my own 10 children, I was comfortable being retired and being in charge of how I was going to spend my later days, it wasn’t until I was propositioned to be the secretary that I said, yes! I am honored and proud to be on the team. Mrs. Clarke has given me a way to get involved with my surrounding community even more. She has shown me that age doesn't matter; the only thing that matters is to keep yourself busy and occupied on this life journey and remember to be a blessing to others in need. No matter how young or how old, "everyone can give, everyone has something to give!"

Arjon Dover
Honorary Board Member
What excites you about GGF?
What excites me is that I get a chance to help others.
What motivates you to want to get on board at such a young age?
What motivates me at such a young age is the fact that I know that the sooner I begin the longer that I am able to be of help to others around me! What value are you bringing to GGF?
The value that I will be bringing to GGF, is educational strategies from the American school system. I am willing to give all the knowledge I know in spelling and math, as I am a straight A and B 8th grader.
In the next 5 years, what’s your vision for GGF, what do you want to see this foundation doing?
In the next five years I see this foundation having a branch around the entire world, a branch location where you will be able to donate to varies men women and children.